Affiliate Disclosure

How do I fund this website?

Every site has to at least cover its costs, so, if I don't provide paid content subscription service, how can I afford to keep this website "" running?

The answer is I use affiliate links within some of my posts. If you make a purchase through one of those links, I'll earn a small commission. It won't cost you anything extra however, and, in fact, often allows me to offer deals/discounts to readers – thereby actually saving your money!

I only ever recommend products and services I believe in, and that I have tried and tested myself. I will never include a recommendation for a product I've not tried or do not sincerely value and I never accept any free products, services — or anything else — from companies in exchange for mentioning them.

Affiliate links keep my site independent, up and running and free to all.

Thank you for your support!

The small print:

I never include products or services I don't believe in; my reviews/comparisons etc always reflect my own experiences as users.

This website only ever promotes products and services that I both personally like and use (or have otherwise direct experience of) — and feel to be genuinely beneficial to my audience.

This website don't collect any user information when you purchase items via links on this site – any such information is completely anonymous.


每个网站都至少要负担成本,所以,如果我不提供付费内容订阅服务,我怎么负担得起这个网站 的运营?

答案是我在我的一些帖子中使用附属链接。 如果您通过其中一个链接进行购买,我将赚取少量佣金。 然而,它不会花费您任何额外费用,而且,事实上,它经常允许我向读者提供交易/折扣——从而实际上为您省钱!

我只推荐我相信的产品和服务,并且我自己已经尝试过和测试过。 我永远不会推荐我没有尝试过或没有真诚重视的产品,我从不接受公司提供的任何免费产品、服务或其他任何东西,以换取推广它们。




我从不推荐我不相信的产品或服务; 我的评论/比较等总是反映我自己作为用户的体验。

