分享一个案例,我们公司于 2016 年上半年接一个订单,至今都没有出货。原先跟这个客户的女孩子今年 3 月底回家生小孩儿,刚来公司一个月的我接受了这个案子。4 月份 5 月份追工厂要交期,不是说工艺有问题就是没有时间做货。6 月 28 号客户发来投诉邮件如下:
Hello Dear All

It has been about 1 month from your last email.
We think you do not have ability to prepare orders.
One year since our orders have passed.
We request that you return us the amount of prepay we paid one year ago And I would also like to tell you that we paid 3 times the amount we paid for participating in 2 exhibitions with your samples we also made the cost of designing the catalog and creating website for your products .
We lost the time when we were waiting for your products.
We have paid you about 10.000 $ please change it to Yuan with your Rate And we will send you our Bank Account number in china for you.

Hi .
After one year we almost dissapoint on get product from you .
And we would like to get back the prepaid .

Realy we do not remember how many you should send for first part (30% all orders).
You have problems from the begining .

We do not need products like this .
Please send back our prepaid money .

Dear Navid,

I have to say it's a big mass, and appology won't make up anything to you.

And it's un-honor to ask for an opportunity, an opportnity to be polite, an opportunity to be manly, an opportunity to be honest, and opportunity to make friends. Bad history ruined all my chance...

You spend one year time and money on advertisement, marketing and introducing the new products to customers. You work so hard and wanna get better in return. And i swear to god, i wish have a better return too.

30% refund is not a best choice for us, but i have:
1. I will push factory to delivery the goods on Next month.
2. We promise to provide X3 products for your testing free on October. X3 product line is our newest technology, it support to connect with ZIGBEE 3.0, support LAN, and much easier to pass European certification and South America certification. All we need it's your final testing report.
3. We provide 5% - 15% discount for your next order. You can talk to Amanda about the details.
4. We provide 2 years exclusive agency to you in Iran. If there have any other client from Iran come to us, you have the rights to make the final decision.
5. Best after-sales services, we provide 2 years warranty for all goods that delivery from Xinghuoyuan company.
6. In order to avoide the same problems, we can prepare contract for next cooperation, and list all pulishment items. You derive rights to list all pulishment items.

Would you please consider my suggestion? If you are not trust my words, i will ask Amanda to prepare offical documents for you. And she will back to office on next month.

FIY, her little boy is very cute, his eye is so clear that make people feel happiness. I am sure you will share my feelings when you meet the little gentalmen.

这封邮件发送于 6 月 30 号上午,暂时还没有得到任何回复。
我考虑过最坏的情况,就是客户不同意付尾款,工厂在 7 月份把货做完,老板追究责任,业务承担 80%的损失。这个结果不是承担不起,而是,我始终找不到一个很好的方式去跟工厂,研发和老板沟通。